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The ODT exporter can work with popular converters with little or no extra configuration from your side. See Extending ODT export. If you are using a converter that is not supported by default or if you would like to tweak the default converter settings, proceed as below.
Name your converter and add it to the list of known converters by
customizing the option org-odt-convert-processes
. Also specify how
the converter can be invoked via command-line to effect the conversion.
Specify the set of formats the
converter can handle by customizing the variable
. Use the default value for this
variable as a guide for configuring your converter. As suggested by the
default setting, you can specify the full set of formats supported by the
converter and not limit yourself to specifying formats that are related to
just the OpenDocument Text format.
Select the newly added converter as the preferred one by customizing the
option org-odt-convert-process