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9.4 ACCESS — Checks file access modes


ACCESS(NAME, MODE) checks whether the file NAME exists, is readable, writable or executable. Except for the executable check, ACCESS can be replaced by Fortran 95’s INQUIRE.


GNU extension


Inquiry function



NAMEScalar CHARACTER of default kind with the file name. Tailing blank are ignored unless the character achar(0) is present, then all characters up to and excluding achar(0) are used as file name.
MODEScalar CHARACTER of default kind with the file access mode, may be any concatenation of "r" (readable), "w" (writable) and "x" (executable), or " " to check for existence.
Return value:

Returns a scalar INTEGER, which is 0 if the file is accessible in the given mode; otherwise or if an invalid argument has been given for MODE the value 1 is returned.

program access_test
  implicit none
  character(len=*), parameter :: file  = 'test.dat'
  character(len=*), parameter :: file2 = 'test.dat  '//achar(0)
  if(access(file,' ') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is exists'
  if(access(file,'r') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is readable'
  if(access(file,'w') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is writable'
  if(access(file,'x') == 0) print *, trim(file),' is executable'
  if(access(file2,'rwx') == 0) &
    print *, trim(file2),' is readable, writable and executable'
end program access_test