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     Intrinsic intrinsic referenced ...

The intrinsic is explicitly declared in one program unit in the source file and implicitly used as an intrinsic in another program unit in the same source file.

This diagnostic is designed to catch cases where a program might depend on using the name intrinsic as an intrinsic in one program unit and as a global name (such as the name of a subroutine or function) in another, but g77 recognizes the name as an intrinsic in both cases.

After verifying that the program unit making implicit use of the intrinsic is indeed written expecting the intrinsic, add an INTRINSIC intrinsic statement to that program unit to prevent this warning.

This and related warnings are disabled by using the -Wno-globals option when compiling.

Note that this warning is not issued for standard intrinsics. Standard intrinsics include those described in the FORTRAN 77 standard and, if -ff90 is specified, those described in the Fortran 90 standard. Such intrinsics are not as likely to be confused with user procedures as intrinsics provided as extensions to the standard by g77.