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For a short subprogram such as the Incr
function in the previous section, the overhead of the call and return (creating / deleting the stack frame)
can be significant, compared to the amount of code in the subprogram body.
A solution is to apply Ada's Inline
pragma to the subprogram,
which directs the compiler to expand invocations of the subprogram at the point(s)
of call, instead of setting up a stack frame for out-of-line calls.
Here is the resulting program:
with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with System.Machine_Code; use System.Machine_Code; procedure Increment_2 is function Incr (Value : Unsigned_32) return Unsigned_32 is Result : Unsigned_32; begin Asm ("incl %0", Inputs => Unsigned_32'Asm_Input ("a", Value), Outputs => Unsigned_32'Asm_Output ("=a", Result)); return Result; end Incr; pragma Inline (Increment); Value : Unsigned_32; begin Value := 5; Put_Line ("Value before is" & Value'Img); Value := Increment (Value); Put_Line ("Value after is" & Value'Img); end Increment_2;
Compile the program with both optimization (-O2
) and inlining
enabled (-gnatpn instead of -gnatp).
The Incr
function is still compiled as usual, but at the
point in Increment
where our function used to be called:
pushl %edi call _increment__incr.1
the code for the function body directly appears:
movl %esi,%eax #APP incl %eax #NO_APP movl %eax,%edx
thus saving the overhead of stack frame setup and an out-of-line call.