22.3 Ada Mode for Glide
The Glide mode for programming in Ada (both Ada83 and Ada95) helps the
user to understand and navigate existing code, and facilitates writing
new code. It furthermore provides some utility functions for easier
integration of standard Emacs features when programming in Ada.
Its general features include:
- An Integrated Development Environment with functionality such as the
- “Project files” for configuration-specific aspects
(e.g. directories and compilation options)
- Compiling and stepping through error messages.
- Running and debugging an applications within Glide.
- Pull-down menus
- User configurability
Some of the specific Ada mode features are:
- Functions for easy and quick stepping through Ada code
- Getting cross reference information for identifiers (e.g., finding a
defining occurrence)
- Displaying an index menu of types and subprograms, allowing
direct selection for browsing
- Automatic color highlighting of the various Ada entities
Glide directly supports writing Ada code, via several facilities:
- Switching between spec and body files with possible
autogeneration of body files
- Automatic formating of subprogram parameter lists
- Automatic indentation according to Ada syntax
- Automatic completion of identifiers
- Automatic (and configurable) casing of identifiers, keywords, and attributes
- Insertion of syntactic templates
- Block commenting / uncommenting
For more information, please refer to the online documentation
available in the Glide
=> Help