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12.4 Regular Expressions in gnatfind and gnatxref

As specified in the section about gnatfind, the pattern can be a regular expression. Actually, there are to set of regular expressions which are recognized by the program:

globbing patterns
These are the most usual regular expression. They are the same that you generally used in a Unix shell command line, or in a DOS session.

Here is a more formal grammar:

          regexp ::= term
          term   ::= elmt            -- matches elmt
          term   ::= elmt elmt       -- concatenation (elmt then elmt)
          term   ::= *               -- any string of 0 or more characters
          term   ::= ?               -- matches any character
          term   ::= [char {char}]   -- matches any character listed
          term   ::= [char - char]   -- matches any character in range

full regular expression
The second set of regular expressions is much more powerful. This is the type of regular expressions recognized by utilities such a grep.

The following is the form of a regular expression, expressed in Ada reference manual style BNF is as follows

          regexp ::= term {| term}   -- alternation (term or term ...)
          term ::= item {item}       -- concatenation (item then item)
          item ::= elmt              -- match elmt
          item ::= elmt *            -- zero or more elmt's
          item ::= elmt +            -- one or more elmt's
          item ::= elmt ?            -- matches elmt or nothing
          elmt ::= nschar            -- matches given character
          elmt ::= [nschar {nschar}]   -- matches any character listed
          elmt ::= [^ nschar {nschar}] -- matches any character not listed
          elmt ::= [char - char]     -- matches chars in given range
          elmt ::= \ char            -- matches given character
          elmt ::= .                 -- matches any single character
          elmt ::= ( regexp )        -- parens used for grouping
          char ::= any character, including special characters
          nschar ::= any character except ()[].*+?^

Following are a few examples:

will match any of the two strings 'abcde' and 'fghi'.
will match any string like 'abd', 'abcd', 'abccd', 'abcccd', and so on
will match any string which has only lowercase characters in it (and at least one character.