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15.3 Run-time Target Specification

Here are run-time target specifications.


This function-like macro expands to a block of code that defines built-in preprocessor macros and assertions for the target CPU, using the functions builtin_define, builtin_define_std and builtin_assert. When the front end calls this macro it provides a trailing semicolon, and since it has finished command line option processing your code can use those results freely.

builtin_assert takes a string in the form you pass to the command-line option -A, such as cpu=mips, and creates the assertion. builtin_define takes a string in the form accepted by option -D and unconditionally defines the macro.

builtin_define_std takes a string representing the name of an object-like macro. If it doesn't lie in the user's namespace, builtin_define_std defines it unconditionally. Otherwise, it defines a version with two leading underscores, and another version with two leading and trailing underscores, and defines the original only if an ISO standard was not requested on the command line. For example, passing unix defines __unix, __unix__ and possibly unix; passing _mips defines __mips, __mips__ and possibly _mips, and passing _ABI64 defines only _ABI64.

You can also test for the C dialect being compiled. The variable c_language is set to one of clk_c, clk_cplusplus or clk_objective_c. Note that if we are preprocessing assembler, this variable will be clk_c but the function-like macro preprocessing_asm_p() will return true, so you might want to check for that first. If you need to check for strict ANSI, the variable flag_iso can be used. The function-like macro preprocessing_trad_p() can be used to check for traditional preprocessing.


Similarly to TARGET_CPU_CPP_BUILTINS but this macro is optional and is used for the target operating system instead.


Similarly to TARGET_CPU_CPP_BUILTINS but this macro is optional and is used for the target object format. elfos.h uses this macro to define __ELF__, so you probably do not need to define it yourself.

— Variable: extern int target_flags

This variable is declared in options.h, which is included before any target-specific headers.

— Variable: Target Hook int TARGET_DEFAULT_TARGET_FLAGS

This variable specifies the initial value of target_flags. Its default setting is 0.

— Target Hook: bool TARGET_HANDLE_OPTION (size_t code, const char *arg, int value)

This hook is called whenever the user specifies one of the target-specific options described by the .opt definition files (see Options). It has the opportunity to do some option-specific processing and should return true if the option is valid. The default definition does nothing but return true.

code specifies the OPT_name enumeration value associated with the selected option; name is just a rendering of the option name in which non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by underscores. arg specifies the string argument and is null if no argument was given. If the option is flagged as a UInteger (see Option properties), value is the numeric value of the argument. Otherwise value is 1 if the positive form of the option was used and 0 if the “no-” form was.

— Target Hook: bool TARGET_HANDLE_C_OPTION (size_t code, const char *arg, int value)

This target hook is called whenever the user specifies one of the target-specific C language family options described by the .opt definition files(see Options). It has the opportunity to do some option-specific processing and should return true if the option is valid. The default definition does nothing but return false.

In general, you should use TARGET_HANDLE_OPTION to handle options. However, if processing an option requires routines that are only available in the C (and related language) front ends, then you should use TARGET_HANDLE_C_OPTION instead.


This macro is a C statement to print on stderr a string describing the particular machine description choice. Every machine description should define TARGET_VERSION. For example:

          #ifdef MOTOROLA
          #define TARGET_VERSION \
            fprintf (stderr, " (68k, Motorola syntax)");
          #define TARGET_VERSION \
            fprintf (stderr, " (68k, MIT syntax)");

Sometimes certain combinations of command options do not make sense on a particular target machine. You can define a macro OVERRIDE_OPTIONS to take account of this. This macro, if defined, is executed once just after all the command options have been parsed.

Don't use this macro to turn on various extra optimizations for -O. That is what OPTIMIZATION_OPTIONS is for.


This is similar to OVERRIDE_OPTIONS but is only used in the C language frontends (C, Objective-C, C++, Objective-C++) and so can be used to alter option flag variables which only exist in those frontends.

— Macro: OPTIMIZATION_OPTIONS (level, size)

Some machines may desire to change what optimizations are performed for various optimization levels. This macro, if defined, is executed once just after the optimization level is determined and before the remainder of the command options have been parsed. Values set in this macro are used as the default values for the other command line options.

level is the optimization level specified; 2 if -O2 is specified, 1 if -O is specified, and 0 if neither is specified.

size is nonzero if -Os is specified and zero otherwise.

You should not use this macro to change options that are not machine-specific. These should uniformly selected by the same optimization level on all supported machines. Use this macro to enable machine-specific optimizations.

Do not examine write_symbols in this macro! The debugging options are not supposed to alter the generated code.

— Target Hook: bool TARGET_HELP (void)

This hook is called in response to the user invoking --target-help on the command line. It gives the target a chance to display extra information on the target specific command line options found in its .opt file.


Define this macro if debugging can be performed even without a frame pointer. If this macro is defined, GCC will turn on the -fomit-frame-pointer option whenever -O is specified.