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For a program unit that is an executable body (a subprogram body (including generic bodies), task body, entry body or a package body containing its own statement sequence) gnatmetric computes the following complexity metrics:

The McCabe complexity metrics are defined in

According to McCabe, both control statements and short-circuit control forms should be taken into account when computing cyclomatic complexity. For each body, we compute three metric values:

When computing cyclomatic and essential complexity, gnatmetric skips the code in the exception handlers and in all the nested program units.

By default, all the complexity metrics are computed and reported. For more fine-grained control you can use the following switches:

Report all the complexity metrics
Do not report any of complexity metrics
Report the McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity
Do not report the McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity
Report the Essential Complexity
Do not report the Essential Complexity
Report maximal loop nesting level
Do not report maximal loop nesting level
Report the average McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity for all the subprogram bodies, task bodies, entry bodies and statement sequences in package bodies. The metric is computed and reported for whole set of processed Ada sources only.
Do not report the average McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity for all the subprogram bodies, task bodies, entry bodies and statement sequences in package bodies

Do not consider exit statements as gotos when computing Essential Complexity