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— GIMPLE function: gimple gimple_build_asm (const char *string, ninputs, noutputs, nclobbers, ...)

Build a GIMPLE_ASM statement. This statement is used for building in-line assembly constructs. STRING is the assembly code. NINPUT is the number of register inputs. NOUTPUT is the number of register outputs. NCLOBBERS is the number of clobbered registers. The rest of the arguments trees for each input, output, and clobbered registers.

— GIMPLE function: gimple gimple_build_asm_vec (const char *, VEC(tree,gc) *, VEC(tree,gc) *, VEC(tree,gc) *)

Identical to gimple_build_asm, but the arguments are passed in VECs.

— GIMPLE function: gimple_asm_ninputs (gimple g)

Return the number of input operands for GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: gimple_asm_noutputs (gimple g)

Return the number of output operands for GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: gimple_asm_nclobbers (gimple g)

Return the number of clobber operands for GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: tree gimple_asm_input_op (gimple g, unsigned index)

Return input operand INDEX of GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: void gimple_asm_set_input_op (gimple g, unsigned index, tree in_op)

Set IN_OP to be input operand INDEX in GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: tree gimple_asm_output_op (gimple g, unsigned index)

Return output operand INDEX of GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: void gimple_asm_set_output_op (gimple g, unsigned index, tree out_op)

Set OUT_OP to be output operand INDEX in GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: tree gimple_asm_clobber_op (gimple g, unsigned index)

Return clobber operand INDEX of GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: void gimple_asm_set_clobber_op (gimple g, unsigned index, tree clobber_op)

Set CLOBBER_OP to be clobber operand INDEX in GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: const char *gimple_asm_string (gimple g)

Return the string representing the assembly instruction in GIMPLE_ASM G.

— GIMPLE function: bool gimple_asm_volatile_p (gimple g)

Return true if G is an asm statement marked volatile.

— GIMPLE function: void gimple_asm_set_volatile (gimple g)

Mark asm statement G as volatile.

— GIMPLE function: void gimple_asm_clear_volatile (gimple g)

Remove volatile marker from asm statement G.