1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
3  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4  See license.html for license.
6  This just provides documentation for stuff that doesn't need to be in the
7  source headers themselves. It is a ".cc" file for the sole cheesy reason
8  that it triggers many different text editors into doing Nice Things when
9  typing comments. However, it is mentioned nowhere except the * files.
11  Some actual code (declarations) is exposed here, but no compiler ever
12  sees it. The decls must be visible to doxygen, and sometimes their real
13  declarations are not visible, or not visible in a way we want.
15  Pieces separated by '// //' lines will usually not be presented to the
16  user on the same page.
17 */
19 // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
20 /** @namespace std
21  * @brief ISO C++ entities toplevel namespace is std.
22 */
23 /** @namespace std::__detail
24  * @brief Implementation details not part of the namespace std interface.
25 */
26 /** @namespace std::tr1
27  * @brief ISO C++ TR1 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr1.
28 */
29 /** @namespace std::tr1::__detail
30  * @brief Implementation details not part of the namespace std::tr1 interface.
31 */
32 /** @namespace std::tr2
33  * @brief ISO C++ TR2 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr2.
34 */
35 /** @namespace std::tr2::__detail
36  * @brief Implementation details not part of the namespace std::tr2 interface.
37 */
38 /** @namespace __gnu_cxx
39  * @brief GNU extensions for public use.
40 */
41 /** @namespace __gnu_cxx::__detail
42  * @brief Implementation details not part of the namespace __gnu_cxx
43  * interface.
44 */
45 /** @namespace __gnu_internal
46  * @brief GNU implemenation details, not for public use or
47  * export. Used only when anonymous namespaces cannot be substituted.
48 */
49 // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //
51 /**
52  * @defgroup extensions Extensions
53  *
54  * Components generally useful that are not part of any standard.
55  */
57 /** @defgroup SGIextensions SGI
58  * @ingroup extensions
59 Because libstdc++ based its implementation of the STL subsections of
60 the library on the SGI 3.3 implementation, we inherited their extensions
61 as well.
63 They are additionally documented in the
64 <a href="">
65 online documentation</a>, a copy of which is also shipped with the
66 library source code (in .../docs/html/documentation.html). You can also
67 read the documentation <a href="">on SGI's
68 site</a>, which is still running even though the code is not maintained.
70 <strong>NB</strong> that the following notes are pulled from various
71 comments all over the place, so they may seem stilted.
72 <hr>
73 */
75 /** @defgroup containers Containers
76 Containers are collections of objects.
78 A container may hold any type which meets certain requirements, but the type
79 of contained object is chosen at compile time, and all objects in a given
80 container must be of the same type. (Polymorphism is possible by declaring a
81 container of pointers to a base class and then populating it with pointers to
82 instances of derived classes. Variant value types such as the @c any class
83 from <a href="">Boost</a> can also be used.
85 All contained types must be @c Assignable and @c CopyConstructible.
86 Specific containers may place additional requirements on the types of
87 their contained objects.
89 Containers manage memory allocation and deallocation themselves when
90 storing your objects. The objects are destroyed when the container is
91 itself destroyed. Note that if you are storing pointers in a container,
92 @c delete is @e not automatically called on the pointers before destroying them.
94 All containers must meet certain requirements, summarized in
95 <a href="tables.html">tables</a>.
97 The standard containers are further refined into
98 @link sequences Sequences@endlink and
99 @link associative_containers Associative Containers@endlink.
100 @link unordered_associative_containers Unordered Associative Containers@endlink.
101 */
103 /** @defgroup sequences Sequences
104  * @ingroup containers
105 Sequences arrange a collection of objects into a strictly linear order.
107 The differences between sequences are usually due to one or both of the
108 following:
109  - memory management
110  - algorithmic complexity
112 As an example of the first case, @c vector is required to use a contiguous
113 memory layout, while other sequences such as @c deque are not.
115 The prime reason for choosing one sequence over another should be based on
116 the second category of differences, algorithmic complexity. For example, if
117 you need to perform many inserts and removals from the middle of a sequence,
118 @c list would be ideal. But if you need to perform constant-time access to
119 random elements of the sequence, then @c list should not be used.
121 All sequences must meet certain requirements, summarized in
122 <a href="tables.html">tables</a>.
123 */
125 /** @defgroup associative_containers Associative
126  * @ingroup containers
127 Associative containers allow fast retrieval of data based on keys.
129 Each container type is parameterized on a @c Key type, and an ordering
130 relation used to sort the elements of the container.
132 All associative containers must meet certain requirements, summarized in
133 <a href="tables.html">tables</a>.
134 */
136 /** @defgroup unordered_associative_containers Unordered Associative
137  * @ingroup containers
138 Unordered associative containers allow fast retrieval of data based on keys.
140 Each container type is parameterized on a @c Key type, a @c Hash type
141 providing a hashing functor, and an ordering relation used to sort the
142 elements of the container.
144 All unordered associative containers must meet certain requirements,
145 summarized in <a href="tables.html">tables</a>. */
147 /**
148  * @defgroup diagnostics Diagnostics
149  *
150  * Components for error handling, reporting, and diagnostic operations.
151  */
153 /**
154  * @defgroup concurrency Concurrency
155  *
156  * Components for concurrent operations, including threads, mutexes,
157  * and condition variables.
158  */