Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oN__gnu_cxxGNU extensions for public use
|oN__detailImplementation details not part of the namespace __gnu_cxx interface
|\NtypelistGNU typelist extensions for public compile-time use
oN__gnu_debugGNU debug classes for public use
oN__gnu_internalGNU implemenation details, not for public use or export. Used only when anonymous namespaces cannot be substituted
oN__gnu_pbdsGNU extensions for policy-based data structures for public use
oN__gnu_profileGNU profile code for public use
oNabiThe cross-vendor C++ Application Binary Interface. A namespace alias to __cxxabiv1, but user programs should use the alias 'abi'
\NstdISO C++ entities toplevel namespace is std
 oN__debugGNU debug code, replaces standard behavior with debug behavior
 oN__detailImplementation details not part of the namespace std interface
 oN__profileGNU profile code, replaces standard behavior with profile behavior
 oNchronoISO C++ 0x entities sub namespace for time and date
 oNdecimalISO/IEC TR 24733 Decimal floating-point arithmetic
 oNplaceholdersISO C++11 entities sub-namespace for functional
 oNregex_constantsISO C++-0x entities sub namespace for regex
 oNrel_opsThe generated relational operators are sequestered here
 oNthis_threadISO C++ 0x entities sub namespace for thread. 30.2.2 Namespace this_thread
 oNtr1ISO C++ TR1 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr1
 |\N__detailImplementation details not part of the namespace std::tr1 interface
 \Ntr2ISO C++ TR2 entities toplevel namespace is std::tr2
  \N__detailImplementation details not part of the namespace std::tr2 interface