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11.2.9 Installation

After building an application or a library it is often required to install it into the development environment. For instance this step is required if the library is to be used by another application. The gprinstall tool provides an easy way to install libraries, executable or object code generated during the build. The Install package can be used to change the default locations.

The following attributes can be defined in package Install:

Whether the project is to be installed, values are true (default) or false.
Root directory for the installation.
Subdirectory of Prefix where executables are to be installed. Default is bin.
Subdirectory of Prefix where directory with the library or object files is to be installed. Default is lib.
Subdirectory of Prefix where directory with sources is to be installed. Default is include.
Subdirectory of Prefix where the generated project file is to be installed. Default is share/gpr.