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5.2.6 Compiling with Project Files

Now that our project files are written, let's build our executable. Here is the command we would use from the command line:

    gnatmake -Pbuild

This will automatically build the executables specified through the `Main' attribute: for each, it will compile or recompile the sources for which the object file does not exist or is not up-to-date; it will then run the binder; and finally run the linker to create the executable itself.

`gnatmake' only knows how to handle Ada files. By using `gprbuild' as a builder, you could automatically manage C files the same way: create the file utils.c in the common directory, set the attribute `Languages' to "(Ada, C)", and run

    gprbuild -Pbuild

Gprbuild knows how to recompile the C files and will recompile them only if one of their dependencies has changed. No direct indication on how to build the various elements is given in the project file, which describes the project properties rather than a set of actions to be executed. Here is the invocation of `gprbuild' when building a multi-language program:

    $ gprbuild -Pbuild
    gcc -c proc.adb
    gcc -c pack.adb
    gcc -c utils.c
    gprbind proc
    gcc proc.o -o proc

Notice the three steps described earlier:

The default output of GPRbuild's execution is kept reasonably simple and easy to understand. In particular, some of the less frequently used commands are not shown, and some parameters are abbreviated. So it is not possible to rerun the effect of the `gprbuild' command by cut-and-pasting its output. GPRbuild's option -v provides a much more verbose output which includes, among other information, more complete compilation, post-compilation and link commands.