Next: Optimization Levels, Previous: Controlling Run-Time Checks, Up: Performance Considerations [Contents][Index]
The use of pragma Restrictions allows you to control which features are permitted in your program. Apart from the obvious point that if you avoid relatively expensive features like finalization (enforceable by the use of pragma Restrictions (No_Finalization), the use of this pragma does not affect the generated code in most cases.
One notable exception to this rule is that the possibility of task abort results in some distributed overhead, particularly if finalization or exception handlers are used. The reason is that certain sections of code have to be marked as non-abortable.
If you use neither the abort statement, nor asynchronous transfer of control (select ... then abort), then this distributed overhead is removed, which may have a general positive effect in improving overall performance. Especially code involving frequent use of tasking constructs and controlled types will show much improved performance. The relevant restrictions pragmas are
pragma Restrictions (No_Abort_Statements); pragma Restrictions (Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting => 0);
It is recommended that these restriction pragmas be used if possible. Note that this also means that you can write code without worrying about the possibility of an immediate abort at any point.