The debugging stubs that come with are set up for a particular chip architecture, but they have no information about the rest of your debugging target machine.
First of all you need to tell the stub how to communicate with the serial port.
int getDebugChar()
for your target system; a
different name is used to allow you to distinguish the two if you wish.
void putDebugChar(int)
for your target system; a
different name is used to allow you to distinguish the two if you wish.
If you want to be able to stop your program while it is
running, you need to use an interrupt-driven serial driver, and arrange
for it to stop when it receives a ^C
(`\003', the control-C
character). That is the character which uses to tell the
remote system to stop.
Getting the debugging target to return the proper status to
probably requires changes to the standard stub; one quick and dirty way
is to just execute a breakpoint instruction (the "dirty" part is that
reports a SIGTRAP
instead of a SIGINT
Other routines you need to supply are:
void exceptionHandler (int exception_number, void *exception_address)
void flush_i_cache()
You must also make sure this library routine is available:
void *memset(void *, int, int)
that sets an area of
memory to a known value. If you have one of the free versions of
, memset
can be found there; otherwise, you must
either obtain it from your hardware manufacturer, or write your own.
If you do not use the GNU C compiler, you may need other standard
library subroutines as well; this varies from one stub to another,
but in general the stubs are likely to use any of the common library
subroutines which generates as inline code.
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