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File links can contain additional information to make Emacs jump to a particular location in the file when following a link. This can be a line number or a search option after a double45 colon. For example, when the command C-c l creates a link (see Handling links) to a file, it encodes the words in the current line as a search string that can be used to find this line back later when following the link with C-c C-o.
Here is the syntax of the different ways to attach a search to a file link, together with an explanation:
[[file:~/code/main.c::255]] [[file:~/ Target]] [[file:~/*My Target]] [[file:~/]] [[file:~/]]
Jump to line 255.
My Target
Search for a link target ‘<<My Target>>’, or do a text search for ‘my target’, similar to the search in internal links, see Internal links. In HTML export (see HTML export), such a file link will become an HTML reference to the corresponding named anchor in the linked file.
*My Target
In an Org file, restrict search to headlines.
Link to a heading with a CUSTOM_ID
Do a regular expression search for regexp
. This uses the Emacs
command occur
to list all matches in a separate window. If the
target file is in Org mode, org-occur
is used to create a
sparse tree with the matches.
As a degenerate case, a file link with an empty file name can be used
to search the current file. For example, [[file:::find me]]
a search for ‘find me’ in the current file, just as
‘[[find me]]’ would.
Next: Custom searches, Previous: Link abbreviations, Up: Hyperlinks [Contents][Index]