Collaboration diagram for Diagnostics:




struct  std::is_error_code_enum< _Tp >
struct  std::is_error_condition_enum< _Tp >


 std::_V2::error_category::error_category (const error_category &)=delete
template<typename _ErrorCodeEnum , typename = typename enable_if<is_error_code_enum<_ErrorCodeEnum>::value>::type>
 std::error_code::error_code (_ErrorCodeEnum __e) noexcept
 std::error_code::error_code (int __v, const error_category &__cat) noexcept
template<typename _ErrorConditionEnum , typename = typename enable_if<is_error_condition_enum<_ErrorConditionEnum>::value>::type>
 std::error_condition::error_condition (_ErrorConditionEnum __e) noexcept
 std::error_condition::error_condition (int __v, const error_category &__cat) noexcept
 std::system_error::system_error (const system_error &)=default
 std::system_error::system_error (error_code __ec, const char *__what)
 std::system_error::system_error (error_code __ec, const string &__what)
 std::system_error::system_error (error_code __ec=error_code())
 std::system_error::system_error (int __v, const error_category &__ecat)
 std::system_error::system_error (int __v, const error_category &__ecat, const char *__what)
 std::system_error::system_error (int __v, const error_category &__ecat, const string &__what)
void std::error_code::assign (int __v, const error_category &__cat) noexcept
void std::error_condition::assign (int __v, const error_category &__cat) noexcept
const error_categorystd::error_code::category () const noexcept
const error_categorystd::error_condition::category () const noexcept
void std::error_code::clear () noexcept
void std::error_condition::clear () noexcept
const error_codestd::system_error::code () const noexcept
error_condition std::error_code::default_error_condition () const noexcept
virtual error_condition std::_V2::error_category::default_error_condition (int __i) const noexcept
virtual bool std::_V2::error_category::equivalent (const error_code &__code, int __i) const noexcept
virtual bool std::_V2::error_category::equivalent (int __i, const error_condition &__cond) const noexcept
const error_categorystd::generic_category () noexcept
error_condition make_error_condition (errc __e) noexcept
_GLIBCXX_DEFAULT_ABI_TAG string std::error_code::message () const
_GLIBCXX_DEFAULT_ABI_TAG string std::error_condition::message () const
virtual string std::_V2::error_category::message (int) const =0
virtual const char * std::_V2::error_category::name () const noexcept=0
 std::error_code::operator bool () const noexcept
 std::error_condition::operator bool () const noexcept
bool std::_V2::error_category::operator!= (const error_category &__other) const noexcept
bool operator!= (const error_code &__lhs, const error_code &__rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const error_code &__lhs, const error_condition &__rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const error_condition &__lhs, const error_code &__rhs) noexcept
bool operator!= (const error_condition &__lhs, const error_condition &__rhs) noexcept
size_t std::hash< error_code >::operator() (const error_code &__e) const noexcept
bool std::_V2::error_category::operator< (const error_category &__other) const noexcept
bool operator< (const error_condition &__lhs, const error_condition &__rhs) noexcept
template<typename _ErrorCodeEnum >
enable_if< is_error_code_enum< _ErrorCodeEnum >::value, error_code & >::type std::error_code::operator= (_ErrorCodeEnum __e) noexcept
template<typename _ErrorConditionEnum >
enable_if< is_error_condition_enum< _ErrorConditionEnum >::value, error_condition & >::type std::error_condition::operator= (_ErrorConditionEnum __e) noexcept
error_categorystd::_V2::error_category::operator= (const error_category &)=delete
system_errorstd::system_error::operator= (const system_error &)=default
bool std::_V2::error_category::operator== (const error_category &__other) const noexcept
bool operator== (const error_code &__lhs, const error_code &__rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const error_code &__lhs, const error_condition &__rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const error_condition &__lhs, const error_code &__rhs) noexcept
bool operator== (const error_condition &__lhs, const error_condition &__rhs) noexcept
const error_categorystd::system_category () noexcept
int std::error_code::value () const noexcept
int std::error_condition::value () const noexcept


error_code std::make_error_code (errc) noexcept
error_condition make_error_condition (errc) noexcept
error_code make_error_code (errc __e) noexcept

Detailed Description

Components for error handling, reporting, and diagnostic operations.

Function Documentation

◆ generic_category()

const error_category& std::_V2::generic_category ( )

Error category for errno error codes.

◆ make_error_condition()

error_condition make_error_condition ( errc  __e)

Create an error_condition representing a standard errc condition.

Definition at line 335 of file system_error.

◆ operator<()

bool operator< ( const error_condition __lhs,
const error_condition __rhs 

Define an ordering for error_condition objects.

Definition at line 378 of file system_error.

◆ system_category()

const error_category& std::_V2::system_category ( )

Error category for other error codes defined by the OS.