4.1.3 Mode Switches for gnatmake

The mode switches (referred to as mode_switches) allow the inclusion of switches that are to be passed to the compiler itself, the binder or the linker. The effect of a mode switch is to cause all subsequent switches up to the end of the switch list, or up to the next mode switch, to be interpreted as switches to be passed on to the designated component of GNAT.

-cargs `switches'

Compiler switches. Here switches is a list of switches that are valid switches for gcc. They will be passed on to all compile steps performed by gnatmake.

-bargs `switches'

Binder switches. Here switches is a list of switches that are valid switches for gnatbind. They will be passed on to all bind steps performed by gnatmake.

-largs `switches'

Linker switches. Here switches is a list of switches that are valid switches for gnatlink. They will be passed on to all link steps performed by gnatmake.

-margs `switches'

Make switches. The switches are directly interpreted by gnatmake, regardless of any previous occurrence of -cargs, -bargs or -largs.