9.10 Resolving Elaboration Circularities

The most desirable option from the point of view of long-term maintenance is to rearrange the program so that the elaboration problems are avoided. One useful technique is to place the elaboration code into separate child packages. Another is to move some of the initialization code to explicitly invoked subprograms, where the program controls the order of initialization explicitly. Although this is the most desirable option, it may be impractical and involve too much modification, especially in the case of complex legacy code.

When faced with an elaboration circularity, the programmer should also consider the tactics given in the suggestions section of the circularity diagnostic. Depending on the units involved in the circularity, their `with' clauses, purity, preelaborability, presence of elaboration-control pragmas and invocations at elaboration time, the binder may suggest one or more of the following tactics to eliminate the circularity:

If none of the tactics suggested by the binder eliminate the elaboration circularity, the programmer should consider using one of the legacy elaboration models, in the following order: