error_constants.h File Reference

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namespace  std


enum class  errc {
  address_family_not_supported , address_in_use , address_not_available , already_connected ,
  argument_list_too_long , argument_out_of_domain , bad_address , bad_file_descriptor ,
  broken_pipe , connection_aborted , connection_already_in_progress , connection_refused ,
  connection_reset , cross_device_link , destination_address_required , device_or_resource_busy ,
  directory_not_empty , executable_format_error , file_exists , file_too_large ,
  filename_too_long , function_not_supported , host_unreachable , illegal_byte_sequence ,
  inappropriate_io_control_operation , interrupted , invalid_argument , invalid_seek ,
  io_error , is_a_directory , message_size , network_down ,
  network_reset , network_unreachable , no_buffer_space , no_child_process ,
  no_lock_available , no_message , no_protocol_option , no_space_on_device ,
  no_such_device_or_address , no_such_device , no_such_file_or_directory , no_such_process ,
  not_a_directory , not_a_socket , not_connected , not_enough_memory ,
  operation_in_progress , operation_not_permitted , operation_not_supported , operation_would_block ,
  permission_denied , protocol_not_supported , read_only_file_system , resource_deadlock_would_occur ,
  resource_unavailable_try_again , result_out_of_range , timed_out , too_many_files_open_in_system ,
  too_many_files_open , too_many_links , too_many_symbolic_link_levels , wrong_protocol_type

Detailed Description

This is an internal header file, included by other library headers. Do not attempt to use it directly. Instead, include <system_error>.

Definition in file error_constants.h.