18.29 D ABI parameters

D Target Hook: void TARGET_D_CPU_VERSIONS (void)

Declare all environmental version identifiers relating to the target CPU using the function builtin_version, which takes a string representing the name of the version. Version identifiers predefined by this hook apply to all modules that are being compiled and imported.

D Target Hook: void TARGET_D_OS_VERSIONS (void)

Similarly to TARGET_D_CPU_VERSIONS, but is used for versions relating to the target operating system.


Register all target information keys relating to the target CPU using the function d_add_target_info_handlers, which takes a ‘struct d_target_info_spec’ (defined in d/d-target.h). The keys added by this hook are made available at compile time by the __traits(getTargetInfo) extension, the result is an expression describing the requested target information.


Same as TARGET_D_CPU_TARGET_INFO, but is used for keys relating to the target operating system.

D Target Hook: const char * TARGET_D_MINFO_SECTION

Contains the name of the section in which module info references should be placed. This section is expected to be bracketed by two symbols to indicate the start and end address of the section, so that the runtime library can collect all modules for each loaded shared library and executable. The default value of NULL disables the use of sections altogether.

D Target Hook: const char * TARGET_D_MINFO_START_NAME

If TARGET_D_MINFO_SECTION is defined, then this must also be defined as the name of the symbol indicating the start address of the module info section

D Target Hook: const char * TARGET_D_MINFO_END_NAME

If TARGET_D_MINFO_SECTION is defined, then this must also be defined as the name of the symbol indicating the end address of the module info section

D Target Hook: bool TARGET_D_HAS_STDCALL_CONVENTION (unsigned int *link_system, unsigned int *link_windows)

Returns true if the target supports the stdcall calling convention. The hook should also set link_system to 1 if the stdcall attribute should be applied to functions with extern(System) linkage, and link_windows to 1 to apply stdcall to functions with extern(Windows) linkage.


This flag is true if instantiated functions and variables are always COMDAT if they have external linkage. If this flag is false, then instantiated decls will be emitted as weak symbols. The default is false.