3 The libitm ABI

The ABI provided by libitm is basically equal to the Linux variant of Intel’s current TM ABI specification document (Revision 1.1, May 6 2009) but with the differences listed in this chapter. It would be good if these changes would eventually be merged into a future version of this specification. To ease look-up, the following subsections mirror the structure of this specification.

3.1 [No changes] Objectives

3.2 [No changes] Non-objectives

3.3 Library design principles

3.3.1 [No changes] Calling conventions

3.3.2 [No changes] TM library algorithms

3.3.3 [No changes] Optimized load and store routines

3.3.4 [No changes] Aligned load and store routines

3.3.5 Data logging functions

The memory locations accessed with transactional loads and stores and the memory locations whose values are logged must not overlap. This required separation only extends to the scope of the execution of one transaction including all the executions of all nested transactions.

The compiler must be consistent (within the scope of a single transaction) about which memory locations are shared and which are not shared with other threads (i.e., data must be accessed either transactionally or nontransactionally). Otherwise, non-write-through TM algorithms would not work.

For memory locations on the stack, this requirement extends to only the lifetime of the stack frame that the memory location belongs to (or the lifetime of the transaction, whichever is shorter). Thus, memory that is reused for several stack frames could be target of both data logging and transactional accesses; however, this is harmless because these stack frames’ lifetimes will end before the transaction finishes.

3.3.6 [No changes] Scatter/gather calls

3.3.7 [No changes] Serial and irrevocable mode

3.3.8 [No changes] Transaction descriptor

3.3.9 Store allocation

There is no getTransaction function.

3.3.10 [No changes] Naming conventions

3.3.11 Function pointer encryption

Currently, this is not implemented.

3.4 Types and macros list

_ITM_codeProperties has changed, see Starting a transaction. _ITM_srcLocation is not used.

3.5 Function list

3.5.1 Initialization and finalization functions

These functions are not part of the ABI.

3.5.2 [No changes] Version checking

3.5.3 [No changes] Error reporting

3.5.4 [No changes] inTransaction call

3.5.5 State manipulation functions

There is no getTransaction function. Transaction identifiers for nested transactions will be ordered but not necessarily sequential (i.e., for a nested transaction’s identifier IN and its enclosing transaction’s identifier IE, it is guaranteed that IN >= IE).

3.5.6 [No changes] Source locations

3.5.7 Starting a transaction Transaction code properties

The bit hasNoXMMUpdate is instead called hasNoVectorUpdate. Iff it is set, vector register save/restore is not necessary for any target machine.

The hasNoFloatUpdate bit (0x0010) is new. Iff it is set, floating point register save/restore is not necessary for any target machine.

undoLogCode is not supported and a fatal runtime error will be raised if this bit is set. It is not properly defined in the ABI why barriers other than undo logging are not present; Are they not necessary (e.g., a transaction operating purely on thread-local data) or have they been omitted by the compiler because it thinks that some kind of global synchronization (e.g., serial mode) might perform better? The specification suggests that the latter might be the case, but the former seems to be more useful.

The readOnly bit (0x4000) is new. TODO Lexical or dynamic scope?

hasNoRetry is not supported. If this bit is not set, but hasNoAbort is set, the library can assume that transaction rollback will not be requested.

It would be useful if the absence of externally-triggered rollbacks would be reported for the dynamic scope as well, not just for the lexical scope (hasNoAbort). Without this, a library cannot exploit this together with flat nesting.

exceptionBlock is not supported because exception blocks are not used. [No changes] Windows exception state [No changes] Other machine state [No changes] Results from beginTransaction

3.5.8 Aborting a transaction

_ITM_rollbackTransaction is not supported. _ITM_abortTransaction is supported but the abort reasons exceptionBlockAbort, TMConflict, and userRetry are not supported. There are no exception blocks in general, so the related cases also do not have to be considered. To encode __transaction_cancel [[outer]], compilers must set the new outerAbort bit (0x10) additionally to the userAbort bit in the abort reason.

3.5.9 Committing a transaction

The exception handling (EH) scheme is different. The Intel ABI requires the _ITM_tryCommitTransaction function that will return even when the commit failed and will have to be matched with calls to either _ITM_abortTransaction or _ITM_commitTransaction. In contrast, gcc relies on transactional wrappers for the functions of the Exception Handling ABI and on one additional commit function (shown below). This allows the TM to keep track of EH internally and thus it does not have to embed the cleanup of EH state into the existing EH code in the program. _ITM_tryCommitTransaction is not supported. _ITM_commitTransactionToId is also not supported because the propagation of thrown exceptions will not bypass commits of nested transactions.

void _ITM_commitTransactionEH(void *exc_ptr) ITM_REGPARM;
void *_ITM_cxa_allocate_exception (size_t);
void _ITM_cxa_free_exception (void *exc_ptr);
void _ITM_cxa_throw (void *obj, void *tinfo, void (*dest) (void *));
void *_ITM_cxa_begin_catch (void *exc_ptr);
void _ITM_cxa_end_catch (void);

The EH scheme changed in version 6 of GCC. Previously, the compiler added a call to _ITM_commitTransactionEH to commit a transaction if an exception could be in flight at this position in the code; exc_ptr is the address of the current exception and must be non-zero. Now, the compiler must catch all exceptions that are about to be thrown out of a transaction and call _ITM_commitTransactionEH from the catch clause, with exc_ptr being zero.

Note that the old EH scheme never worked completely in GCC’s implementation; libitm currently does not try to be compatible with the old scheme.

The _ITM_cxa... functions are transactional wrappers for the respective __cxa... functions and must be called instead of these in transactional code. _ITM_cxa_free_exception is new in GCC 6.

To support this EH scheme, libstdc++ needs to provide one additional function (_cxa_tm_cleanup), which is used by the TM to clean up the exception handling state while rolling back a transaction:

void __cxa_tm_cleanup (void *unthrown_obj, void *cleanup_exc,
                       unsigned int caught_count);

Since GCC 6, unthrown_obj is not used anymore and always null; prior to that, unthrown_obj is non-null if the program called __cxa_allocate_exception for this exception but did not yet called __cxa_throw for it. cleanup_exc is non-null if the program is currently processing a cleanup along an exception path but has not caught this exception yet. caught_count is the nesting depth of __cxa_begin_catch within the transaction (which can be counted by the TM using _ITM_cxa_begin_catch and _ITM_cxa_end_catch); __cxa_tm_cleanup then performs rollback by essentially performing __cxa_end_catch that many times.

3.5.10 Exception handling support

Currently, there is no support for functionality like __transaction_cancel throw as described in the C++ TM specification. Supporting this should be possible with the EH scheme explained previously because via the transactional wrappers for the EH ABI, the TM is able to observe and intercept EH.

3.5.11 [No changes] Transition to serial–irrevocable mode

3.5.12 [No changes] Data transfer functions

3.5.13 [No changes] Transactional memory copies

3.5.14 Transactional versions of memmove

If either the source or destination memory region is to be accessed nontransactionally, then source and destination regions must not be overlapping. The respective _ITM_memmove functions are still available but a fatal runtime error will be raised if such regions do overlap. To support this functionality, the ABI would have to specify how the intersection of the regions has to be accessed (i.e., transactionally or nontransactionally).

3.5.15 [No changes] Transactional versions of memset

3.5.16 [No changes] Logging functions

3.5.17 User-registered commit and undo actions

Commit actions will get executed in the same order in which the respective calls to _ITM_addUserCommitAction happened. Only _ITM_noTransactionId is allowed as value for the resumingTransactionId argument. Commit actions get executed after privatization safety has been ensured.

Undo actions will get executed in reverse order compared to the order in which the respective calls to _ITM_addUserUndoAction happened. The ordering of undo actions w.r.t. the roll-back of other actions (e.g., data transfers or memory allocations) is undefined.

_ITM_getThreadnum is not supported currently because its only purpose is to provide a thread ID that matches some assumed performance tuning output, but this output is not part of the ABI nor further defined by it.

_ITM_dropReferences is not supported currently because its semantics and the intention behind it is not entirely clear. The specification suggests that this function is necessary because of certain orderings of data transfer undos and the releasing of memory regions (i.e., privatization). However, this ordering is never defined, nor is the ordering of dropping references w.r.t. other events.

3.5.18 [New] Transactional indirect calls

Indirect calls (i.e., calls through a function pointer) within transactions should execute the transactional clone of the original function (i.e., a clone of the original that has been fully instrumented to use the TM runtime), if such a clone is available. The runtime provides two functions to register/deregister clone tables:

struct clone_entry
  void *orig, *clone;

void _ITM_registerTMCloneTable (clone_entry *table, size_t entries);
void _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable (clone_entry *table);

Registered tables must be writable by the TM runtime, and must be live throughout the life-time of the TM runtime.

TODO The intention was always to drop the registration functions entirely, and create a new ELF Phdr describing the linker-sorted table. Much like what currently happens for PT_GNU_EH_FRAME. This work kept getting bogged down in how to represent the N different code generation variants. We clearly needed at least two—SW and HW transactional clones—but there was always a suggestion of more variants for different TM assumptions/invariants.

The compiler can then use two TM runtime functions to perform indirect calls in transactions:

void *_ITM_getTMCloneOrIrrevocable (void *function) ITM_REGPARM;
void *_ITM_getTMCloneSafe (void *function) ITM_REGPARM;

If there is a registered clone for supplied function, both will return a pointer to the clone. If not, the first runtime function will attempt to switch to serial–irrevocable mode and return the original pointer, whereas the second will raise a fatal runtime error.

3.5.19 [New] Transactional dynamic memory management

void *_ITM_malloc (size_t)
       __attribute__((__malloc__)) ITM_PURE;
void *_ITM_calloc (size_t, size_t)
       __attribute__((__malloc__)) ITM_PURE;
void _ITM_free (void *) ITM_PURE;

These functions are essentially transactional wrappers for malloc, calloc, and free. Within transactions, the compiler should replace calls to the original functions with calls to the wrapper functions.

libitm also provides transactional clones of C++ memory management functions such as global operator new and delete. They are part of libitm for historic reasons but do not need to be part of this ABI.

3.6 [No changes] Future Enhancements to the ABI

3.7 Sample code

The code examples might not be correct w.r.t. the current version of the ABI, especially everything related to exception handling.

3.8 [New] Memory model

The ABI should define a memory model and the ordering that is guaranteed for data transfers and commit/undo actions, or at least refer to another memory model that needs to be preserved. Without that, the compiler cannot ensure the memory model specified on the level of the programming language (e.g., by the C++ TM specification).

For example, if a transactional load is ordered before another load/store, then the TM runtime must also ensure this ordering when accessing shared state. If not, this might break the kind of publication safety used in the C++ TM specification. Likewise, the TM runtime must ensure privatization safety.