__gnu_cxx::rb_tree< _Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc > Struct Template Reference

Inherits std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >.

Public Types

template<typename _Iter >
using __same_value_type = is_same< value_type, typename iterator_traits< _Iter >::value_type >
typedef std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc > _Base
template<typename _Compare2 >
using _Compatible_tree = _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare2, _Alloc >
typedef _Base::allocator_type allocator_type
typedef _Rb_tree_const_iterator< value_type > const_iterator
typedef const value_type * const_pointer
typedef const value_type & const_reference
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator > const_reverse_iterator
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type
using insert_return_type = _Node_insert_return< __conditional_t< is_same_v< _Key, _Val >, const_iterator, iterator >, node_type >
typedef _Rb_tree_iterator< value_type > iterator
typedef _Key key_type
using node_type = _Node_handle< _Key, _Val, _Node_allocator >
typedef value_type * pointer
typedef value_type & reference
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iterator > reverse_iterator
typedef size_t size_type
typedef _Val value_type

Public Member Functions

 rb_tree (const _Compare &__comp=_Compare(), const allocator_type &__a=allocator_type())
bool __rb_verify () const
template<typename _Iterator >
void _M_assign_equal (_Iterator, _Iterator)
template<typename _Iterator >
void _M_assign_unique (_Iterator, _Iterator)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
size_type _M_count_tr (const _Kt &__k) const
template<typename... _Args>
iterator _M_emplace_equal (_Args &&... __args)
template<typename... _Args>
auto _M_emplace_equal (_Args &&... __args) -> iterator
template<typename... _Args>
iterator _M_emplace_hint_equal (const_iterator __pos, _Args &&... __args)
template<typename... _Args>
auto _M_emplace_hint_equal (const_iterator __pos, _Args &&... __args) -> iterator
template<typename... _Args>
iterator _M_emplace_hint_unique (const_iterator __pos, _Args &&... __args)
template<typename... _Args>
auto _M_emplace_hint_unique (const_iterator __pos, _Args &&... __args) -> iterator
template<typename... _Args>
pair< iterator, bool > _M_emplace_unique (_Args &&... __args)
template<typename... _Args>
auto _M_emplace_unique (_Args &&... __args) -> pair< iterator, bool >
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
pair< iterator, iterator > _M_equal_range_tr (const _Kt &__k)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > _M_equal_range_tr (const _Kt &__k) const
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
iterator _M_find_tr (const _Kt &__k)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
const_iterator _M_find_tr (const _Kt &__k) const
pair< _Base_ptr, _Base_ptr > _M_get_insert_equal_pos (const key_type &__k)
pair< _Base_ptr, _Base_ptr > _M_get_insert_hint_equal_pos (const_iterator __pos, const key_type &__k)
pair< _Base_ptr, _Base_ptr > _M_get_insert_hint_unique_pos (const_iterator __pos, const key_type &__k)
pair< _Base_ptr, _Base_ptr > _M_get_insert_unique_pos (const key_type &__k)
const _Node_allocator & _M_get_Node_allocator () const noexcept
_Node_allocator & _M_get_Node_allocator () noexcept
template<typename _Arg >
iterator _M_insert_equal (_Arg &&__x)
template<typename _Arg >
iterator _M_insert_equal_ (const_iterator __pos, _Arg &&__x)
template<typename _Arg , typename _NodeGen >
iterator _M_insert_equal_ (const_iterator __pos, _Arg &&__x, _NodeGen &)
template<typename _InputIterator >
__enable_if_t< __same_value_type< _InputIterator >::value > _M_insert_range_equal (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
template<typename _InputIterator >
__enable_if_t<!__same_value_type< _InputIterator >::value > _M_insert_range_equal (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
template<typename _InputIterator >
__enable_if_t< __same_value_type< _InputIterator >::value > _M_insert_range_unique (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
template<typename _InputIterator >
__enable_if_t<!__same_value_type< _InputIterator >::value > _M_insert_range_unique (_InputIterator __first, _InputIterator __last)
template<typename _Arg >
pair< typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator, bool > _M_insert_unique (_Arg &&__v)
template<typename _Arg >
pair< iterator, bool > _M_insert_unique (_Arg &&__x)
template<typename _Arg >
iterator _M_insert_unique_ (const_iterator __pos, _Arg &&__x)
template<typename _Arg , typename _NodeGen >
iterator _M_insert_unique_ (const_iterator __pos, _Arg &&__x, _NodeGen &)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
iterator _M_lower_bound_tr (const _Kt &__k)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
const_iterator _M_lower_bound_tr (const _Kt &__k) const
template<typename _Compare2 >
void _M_merge_equal (_Compatible_tree< _Compare2 > &__src) noexcept
template<typename _Compare2 >
void _M_merge_unique (_Compatible_tree< _Compare2 > &__src) noexcept
iterator _M_reinsert_node_equal (node_type &&__nh)
iterator _M_reinsert_node_hint_equal (const_iterator __hint, node_type &&__nh)
iterator _M_reinsert_node_hint_unique (const_iterator __hint, node_type &&__nh)
insert_return_type _M_reinsert_node_unique (node_type &&__nh)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
iterator _M_upper_bound_tr (const _Kt &__k)
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
const_iterator _M_upper_bound_tr (const _Kt &__k) const
const_iterator begin () const noexcept
iterator begin () noexcept
void clear () noexcept
size_type count (const key_type &__k) const
bool empty () const noexcept
const_iterator end () const noexcept
iterator end () noexcept
pair< iterator, iterator > equal_range (const key_type &__k)
pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > equal_range (const key_type &__k) const
size_type erase (const key_type &__x)
_GLIBCXX_ABI_TAG_CXX11 iterator erase (const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last)
_GLIBCXX_ABI_TAG_CXX11 iterator erase (const_iterator __position)
_GLIBCXX_ABI_TAG_CXX11 iterator erase (iterator __position)
node_type extract (const key_type &__k)
node_type extract (const_iterator __pos)
iterator find (const key_type &__k)
const_iterator find (const key_type &__k) const
allocator_type get_allocator () const noexcept
_Compare key_comp () const
iterator lower_bound (const key_type &__k)
const_iterator lower_bound (const key_type &__k) const
size_type max_size () const noexcept
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const noexcept
reverse_iterator rbegin () noexcept
const_reverse_iterator rend () const noexcept
reverse_iterator rend () noexcept
size_type size () const noexcept
void swap (_Rb_tree &__t) noexcept(/*conditional */)
iterator upper_bound (const key_type &__k)
const_iterator upper_bound (const key_type &__k) const

Protected Types

typedef _Rb_tree_node_base * _Base_ptr
typedef const _Rb_tree_node_base * _Const_Base_ptr
typedef const _Rb_tree_node< _Val > * _Const_Link_type
typedef _Rb_tree_node< _Val > * _Link_type

Protected Member Functions

_Const_Link_type _M_begin () const noexcept
_Link_type _M_begin () noexcept
template<bool _MoveValue, typename _NodeGen >
_Link_type _M_clone_node (_Link_type __x, _NodeGen &__node_gen)
template<typename... _Args>
void _M_construct_node (_Link_type __node, _Args &&... __args)
template<typename... _Args>
_Link_type _M_create_node (_Args &&... __args)
void _M_destroy_node (_Link_type __p) noexcept
void _M_drop_node (_Link_type __p) noexcept
_Const_Base_ptr _M_end () const noexcept
_Base_ptr _M_end () noexcept
_Link_type _M_get_node ()
_Const_Base_ptr _M_leftmost () const noexcept
_Base_ptr & _M_leftmost () noexcept
_Link_type _M_mbegin () const noexcept
void _M_put_node (_Link_type __p) noexcept
_Const_Base_ptr _M_rightmost () const noexcept
_Base_ptr & _M_rightmost () noexcept
_Const_Base_ptr _M_root () const noexcept
_Base_ptr & _M_root () noexcept

Static Protected Member Functions

static const _Key & _S_key (_Const_Base_ptr __x)
static const _Key & _S_key (_Const_Link_type __x)
static _Link_type _S_left (_Base_ptr __x) noexcept
static _Const_Link_type _S_left (_Const_Base_ptr __x) noexcept
static _Base_ptr _S_maximum (_Base_ptr __x) noexcept
static _Const_Base_ptr _S_maximum (_Const_Base_ptr __x) noexcept
static _Base_ptr _S_minimum (_Base_ptr __x) noexcept
static _Const_Base_ptr _S_minimum (_Const_Base_ptr __x) noexcept
static _Link_type _S_right (_Base_ptr __x) noexcept
static _Const_Link_type _S_right (_Const_Base_ptr __x) noexcept

Protected Attributes

_Rb_tree_impl< _Compare > _M_impl

Detailed Description

template<class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue, class _Compare, class _Alloc = std::allocator<_Value>>
struct __gnu_cxx::rb_tree< _Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >

This is an SGI extension.

Needs documentation! See

Definition at line 77 of file rb_tree.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ __same_value_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Iter >
using std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::__same_value_type = is_same<value_type, typename iterator_traits<_Iter>::value_type>

Definition at line 1095 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _Base

template<class _Key , class _Value , class _KeyOfValue , class _Compare , class _Alloc = std::allocator<_Value>>
typedef std::_Rb_tree<_Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc> __gnu_cxx::rb_tree< _Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base

Definition at line 80 of file rb_tree.

◆ _Base_ptr

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr

Definition at line 435 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _Compatible_tree

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Compare2 >
using std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Compatible_tree = _Rb_tree<_Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare2, _Alloc>

Definition at line 1554 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _Const_Base_ptr

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef const _Rb_tree_node_base* std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Const_Base_ptr

Definition at line 436 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _Const_Link_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef const _Rb_tree_node<_Val>* std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Const_Link_type

Definition at line 438 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _Link_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Val>* std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Link_type

Definition at line 437 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ allocator_type

template<class _Key , class _Value , class _KeyOfValue , class _Compare , class _Alloc = std::allocator<_Value>>
typedef _Base::allocator_type __gnu_cxx::rb_tree< _Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::allocator_type

Definition at line 81 of file rb_tree.

◆ const_iterator

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef _Rb_tree_const_iterator<value_type> std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::const_iterator

Definition at line 818 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ const_pointer

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef const value_type* std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::const_pointer

Definition at line 541 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ const_reference

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef const value_type& std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::const_reference

Definition at line 543 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ const_reverse_iterator

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::const_reverse_iterator

Definition at line 821 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ difference_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef ptrdiff_t std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::difference_type

Definition at line 545 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ insert_return_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
using std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::insert_return_type = _Node_insert_return< __conditional_t<is_same_v<_Key, _Val>, const_iterator, iterator>, node_type>

Definition at line 825 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ iterator

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<value_type> std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator

Definition at line 817 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ key_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef _Key std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::key_type

Definition at line 538 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ node_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
using std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::node_type = _Node_handle<_Key, _Val, _Node_allocator>

Definition at line 824 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ pointer

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef value_type* std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::pointer

Definition at line 540 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ reference

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef value_type& std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::reference

Definition at line 542 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ reverse_iterator

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::reverse_iterator

Definition at line 820 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ size_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef size_t std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::size_type

Definition at line 544 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ value_type

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
typedef _Val std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::value_type

Definition at line 539 of file stl_tree.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ rb_tree()

template<class _Key , class _Value , class _KeyOfValue , class _Compare , class _Alloc = std::allocator<_Value>>
__gnu_cxx::rb_tree< _Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::rb_tree ( const _Compare &  __comp = _Compare(),
const allocator_type &  __a = allocator_type() 

Definition at line 83 of file rb_tree.

◆ ~rb_tree()

template<class _Key , class _Value , class _KeyOfValue , class _Compare , class _Alloc = std::allocator<_Value>>
__gnu_cxx::rb_tree< _Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::~rb_tree ( )

Definition at line 87 of file rb_tree.

Member Function Documentation

◆ __rb_verify()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
bool std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::__rb_verify

Definition at line 2570 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_assign_equal()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
template<typename _Iterator >
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_assign_equal ( _Iterator  __first,
_Iterator  __last 

Definition at line 1766 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_assign_unique()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
template<typename _Iterator >
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_assign_unique ( _Iterator  __first,
_Iterator  __last 

Definition at line 1753 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_begin() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Const_Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_begin ( ) const

Definition at line 744 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_begin() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_begin ( )

Definition at line 740 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_clone_node()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<bool _MoveValue, typename _NodeGen >
_Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_clone_node ( _Link_type  __x,
_NodeGen &  __node_gen 

Definition at line 639 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_construct_node()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename... _Args>
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_construct_node ( _Link_type  __node,
_Args &&...  __args 

Definition at line 592 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_count_tr()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
size_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_count_tr ( const _Kt &  __k) const

Definition at line 1316 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_create_node()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename... _Args>
_Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_create_node ( _Args &&...  __args)

Definition at line 611 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_destroy_node()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_destroy_node ( _Link_type  __p)

Definition at line 620 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_drop_node()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_drop_node ( _Link_type  __p)

Definition at line 631 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_emplace_equal()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename... _Args>
auto std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_emplace_equal ( _Args &&...  __args) -> iterator

Definition at line 2446 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_emplace_hint_equal()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename... _Args>
auto std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_emplace_hint_equal ( const_iterator  __pos,
_Args &&...  __args 
) -> iterator

Definition at line 2474 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_emplace_hint_unique()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename... _Args>
auto std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_emplace_hint_unique ( const_iterator  __pos,
_Args &&...  __args 
) -> iterator

Definition at line 2459 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_emplace_unique()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename... _Args>
auto std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_emplace_unique ( _Args &&...  __args) -> pair<iterator, bool>

Definition at line 2431 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_end() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Const_Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_end ( ) const

Definition at line 755 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_end() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_end ( )

Definition at line 751 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_equal_range_tr() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
pair< iterator, iterator > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_equal_range_tr ( const _Kt &  __k)

Definition at line 1379 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_equal_range_tr() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_equal_range_tr ( const _Kt &  __k) const

Definition at line 1389 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_find_tr() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_find_tr ( const _Kt &  __k)

Definition at line 1296 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_find_tr() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
const_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_find_tr ( const _Kt &  __k) const

Definition at line 1305 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_get_insert_equal_pos()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
pair< typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr, typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_get_insert_equal_pos ( const key_type &  __k)

Definition at line 2141 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_get_insert_hint_equal_pos()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
pair< typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr, typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_get_insert_hint_equal_pos ( const_iterator  __pos,
const key_type &  __k 

Definition at line 2297 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_get_insert_hint_unique_pos()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
pair< typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr, typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_get_insert_hint_unique_pos ( const_iterator  __pos,
const key_type &  __k 

Definition at line 2211 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_get_insert_unique_pos()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
pair< typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr, typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_Base_ptr > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_get_insert_unique_pos ( const key_type &  __k)

Definition at line 2109 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_get_node()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_get_node ( )

Definition at line 562 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_get_Node_allocator() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
const _Node_allocator & std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_get_Node_allocator ( ) const

Definition at line 553 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_get_Node_allocator() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Node_allocator & std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_get_Node_allocator ( )

Definition at line 549 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_equal()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
template<typename _Arg >
_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_equal ( _Arg &&  __x)

Definition at line 2191 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_equal_() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Arg >
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_equal_ ( const_iterator  __pos,
_Arg &&  __x 

Definition at line 1072 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_equal_() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
template<typename _Arg , typename _NodeGen >
_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_equal_ ( const_iterator  __pos,
_Arg &&  __x,
_NodeGen &  __node_gen 

Definition at line 2354 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_range_equal() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _InputIterator >
__enable_if_t< __same_value_type< _InputIterator >::value > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_range_equal ( _InputIterator  __first,
_InputIterator  __last 

Definition at line 1117 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_range_equal() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _InputIterator >
__enable_if_t<!__same_value_type< _InputIterator >::value > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_range_equal ( _InputIterator  __first,
_InputIterator  __last 

Definition at line 1126 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_range_unique() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _InputIterator >
__enable_if_t< __same_value_type< _InputIterator >::value > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_range_unique ( _InputIterator  __first,
_InputIterator  __last 

Definition at line 1100 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_range_unique() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _InputIterator >
__enable_if_t<!__same_value_type< _InputIterator >::value > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_range_unique ( _InputIterator  __first,
_InputIterator  __last 

Definition at line 1109 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_unique()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Arg >
pair< typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator, bool > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_unique ( _Arg &&  __v)

Definition at line 2163 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_unique_() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Arg >
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_unique_ ( const_iterator  __pos,
_Arg &&  __x 

Definition at line 1060 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_insert_unique_() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
template<typename _Arg , typename _NodeGen >
_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_insert_unique_ ( const_iterator  __pos,
_Arg &&  __x,
_NodeGen &  __node_gen 

Definition at line 2272 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_leftmost() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Const_Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_leftmost ( ) const

Definition at line 724 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_leftmost() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Base_ptr & std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_leftmost ( )

Definition at line 720 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_lower_bound_tr() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_lower_bound_tr ( const _Kt &  __k)

Definition at line 1325 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_lower_bound_tr() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
const_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_lower_bound_tr ( const _Kt &  __k) const

Definition at line 1334 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_mbegin()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_mbegin ( ) const

Definition at line 736 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_merge_equal()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Compare2 >
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_merge_equal ( _Compatible_tree< _Compare2 > &  __src)

Merge from a compatible container into one with equivalent keys.

Definition at line 1585 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_merge_unique()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Compare2 >
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_merge_unique ( _Compatible_tree< _Compare2 > &  __src)

Merge from a compatible container into one with unique keys.

Definition at line 1563 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_put_node()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_put_node ( _Link_type  __p)

Definition at line 566 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_reinsert_node_equal()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_reinsert_node_equal ( node_type &&  __nh)

Re-insert an extracted node.

Definition at line 1472 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_reinsert_node_hint_equal()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_reinsert_node_hint_equal ( const_iterator  __hint,
node_type &&  __nh 

Re-insert an extracted node.

Definition at line 1514 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_reinsert_node_hint_unique()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_reinsert_node_hint_unique ( const_iterator  __hint,
node_type &&  __nh 

Re-insert an extracted node.

Definition at line 1492 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_reinsert_node_unique()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
insert_return_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_reinsert_node_unique ( node_type &&  __nh)

Re-insert an extracted node.

Definition at line 1443 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_rightmost() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Const_Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_rightmost ( ) const

Definition at line 732 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_rightmost() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Base_ptr & std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_rightmost ( )

Definition at line 728 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_root() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Const_Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_root ( ) const

Definition at line 716 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_root() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Base_ptr & std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_root ( )

Definition at line 712 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_upper_bound_tr() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_upper_bound_tr ( const _Kt &  __k)

Definition at line 1352 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _M_upper_bound_tr() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
template<typename _Kt , typename _Req = __has_is_transparent_t<_Compare, _Kt>>
const_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_upper_bound_tr ( const _Kt &  __k) const

Definition at line 1361 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_key() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static const _Key & std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_key ( _Const_Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 797 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_key() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static const _Key & std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_key ( _Const_Link_type  __x)

Definition at line 759 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_left() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static _Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_left ( _Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 781 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_left() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static _Const_Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_left ( _Const_Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 785 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_maximum() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static _Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_maximum ( _Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 809 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_maximum() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static _Const_Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_maximum ( _Const_Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 813 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_minimum() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static _Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_minimum ( _Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 801 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_minimum() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static _Const_Base_ptr std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_minimum ( _Const_Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 805 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_right() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static _Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_right ( _Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 789 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ _S_right() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
static _Const_Link_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_S_right ( _Const_Base_ptr  __x)

Definition at line 793 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
const_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::begin ( ) const

Definition at line 1001 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::begin ( )

Definition at line 997 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ clear()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::clear ( )

Definition at line 1254 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ count()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::size_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::count ( const key_type &  __k) const

Definition at line 2555 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ empty()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
bool std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::empty ( ) const

Definition at line 1029 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ end() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
const_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::end ( ) const

Definition at line 1009 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ end() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::end ( )

Definition at line 1005 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ equal_range() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
pair< typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator, typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::equal_range ( const key_type &  __k)

Definition at line 2014 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ equal_range() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
pair< typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::const_iterator, typename _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::const_iterator > std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::equal_range ( const key_type &  __k) const

Definition at line 2046 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ erase() [1/4]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::size_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::erase ( const key_type &  __x)

Definition at line 2517 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ erase() [2/4]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_GLIBCXX_ABI_TAG_CXX11 iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::erase ( const_iterator  __first,
const_iterator  __last 

Definition at line 1238 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ erase() [3/4]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_GLIBCXX_ABI_TAG_CXX11 iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::erase ( const_iterator  __position)

Definition at line 1194 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ erase() [4/4]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_GLIBCXX_ABI_TAG_CXX11 iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::erase ( iterator  __position)

Definition at line 1206 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ extract() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
node_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::extract ( const key_type &  __k)

Extract a node.

Definition at line 1544 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ extract() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
node_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::extract ( const_iterator  __pos)

Extract a node.

Definition at line 1534 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ find() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::find ( const key_type &  __k)

Definition at line 2530 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ find() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::const_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::find ( const key_type &  __k) const

Definition at line 2543 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ get_allocator()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
allocator_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::get_allocator ( ) const

Definition at line 557 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ key_comp()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Compare std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::key_comp ( ) const

Definition at line 993 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ lower_bound() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::lower_bound ( const key_type &  __k)

Definition at line 1271 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ lower_bound() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
const_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::lower_bound ( const key_type &  __k) const

Definition at line 1275 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ max_size()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
size_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::max_size ( ) const

Definition at line 1037 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ rbegin() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
const_reverse_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::rbegin ( ) const

Definition at line 1017 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ rbegin() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
reverse_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::rbegin ( )

Definition at line 1013 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ rend() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
const_reverse_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::rend ( ) const

Definition at line 1025 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ rend() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
reverse_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::rend ( )

Definition at line 1021 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ size()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
size_type std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::size ( ) const

Definition at line 1033 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ swap()

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc >
void std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::swap ( _Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc > &  __t)

Definition at line 2075 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ upper_bound() [1/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::upper_bound ( const key_type &  __k)

Definition at line 1279 of file stl_tree.h.

◆ upper_bound() [2/2]

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
const_iterator std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::upper_bound ( const key_type &  __k) const

Definition at line 1283 of file stl_tree.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _M_impl

template<typename _Key , typename _Val , typename _KeyOfValue , typename _Compare , typename _Alloc = allocator<_Val>>
_Rb_tree_impl<_Compare> std::_Rb_tree< _Key, _Val, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc >::_M_impl

Definition at line 708 of file stl_tree.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: