4.4.44 gm2-libs-iso/RndFile


  (* Random access files *)

IMPORT IOChan, ChanConsts, SYSTEM;

   ChanId = IOChan.ChanId;
   FlagSet = ChanConsts.FlagSet;
   OpenResults = ChanConsts.OpenResults;

   (* Accepted singleton values of FlagSet *)

   (* input operations are requested/available *)
   read = FlagSet{ChanConsts.readFlag};
   (* output operations are requested/available *)
   write = FlagSet{ChanConsts.writeFlag};
   (* a file may/must/did exist before the channel is opened *)
   old = FlagSet{ChanConsts.oldFlag};
   (* text operations are requested/available *)
   text = FlagSet{ChanConsts.textFlag};
   (* raw operations are requested/available *)
   raw = FlagSet{ChanConsts.rawFlag};

PROCEDURE OpenOld (VAR cid: ChanId; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; flags: FlagSet;
                   VAR res: OpenResults);
  (* Attempts to obtain and open a channel connected to a stored random
     access file of the given name.
     The old flag is implied; without the write flag, read is implied;
     without the text flag, raw is implied.
     If successful, assigns to cid the identity of the opened channel,
     assigns the value opened to res, and sets the read/write position
     to the start of the file.
     If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates
     the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel.

PROCEDURE OpenClean (VAR cid: ChanId; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; flags: FlagSet;
                     VAR res: OpenResults);
  (* Attempts to obtain and open a channel connected to a stored random
     access file of the given name.
     The write flag is implied; without the text flag, raw is implied.
     If successful, assigns to cid the identity of the opened channel,
     assigns the value opened to res, and truncates the file to zero length.
     If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates
     the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel.

PROCEDURE IsRndFile (cid: ChanId): BOOLEAN;
  (* Tests if the channel identified by cid is open to a random access file. *)

PROCEDURE IsRndFileException (): BOOLEAN;
  (* Returns TRUE if the current coroutine is in the exceptional execution
     state because of the raising of a RndFile exception; otherwise returns

   FilePosSize = SIZE(LONGINT) ;
   (* <implementation-defined whole number greater than zero>; *)

   FilePos = LONGINT ;  (* ARRAY [1 .. FilePosSize] OF SYSTEM.LOC; *)

PROCEDURE StartPos (cid: ChanId): FilePos;
  (* If the channel identified by cid is not open to a random access file,
     the exception wrongDevice is raised; otherwise returns the position of
     the start of the file.

PROCEDURE CurrentPos (cid: ChanId): FilePos;
  (* If the channel identified by cid is not open to a random access file,
     the exception wrongDevice is raised; otherwise returns the position
     of the current read/write position.

PROCEDURE EndPos (cid: ChanId): FilePos;
  (* If the channel identified by cid is not open to a random access file,
     the exception wrongDevice is raised; otherwise returns the first
     position after which there have been no writes.

PROCEDURE NewPos (cid: ChanId; chunks: INTEGER; chunkSize: CARDINAL;
                  from: FilePos): FilePos;
  (* If the channel identified by cid is not open to a random access file,
     the exception wrongDevice is raised; otherwise returns the position
     (chunks * chunkSize) relative to the position given by from, or
     raises the exception posRange if the required position cannot be
     represented as a value of type FilePos.

PROCEDURE SetPos (cid: ChanId; pos: FilePos);
  (* If the channel identified by cid is not open to a random access file,
     the exception wrongDevice is raised; otherwise sets the read/write
     position to the value given by pos.

PROCEDURE Close (VAR cid: ChanId);
  (* If the channel identified by cid is not open to a random access file,
     the exception wrongDevice is raised; otherwise closes the channel,
     and assigns the value identifying the invalid channel to cid.

END RndFile.