std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > Class Template Reference

Public Types

typedef _Dp deleter_type
typedef _Tp element_type
typedef _Pointer::type pointer

Public Member Functions

 unique_ptr (pointer __p) noexcept
 unique_ptr (pointer __p, typename conditional< is_reference< deleter_type >::value, deleter_type, const deleter_type & >::type __d) noexcept
 unique_ptr (pointer __p, typename remove_reference< deleter_type >::type &&__d) noexcept
constexpr unique_ptr (nullptr_t) noexcept
 unique_ptr (unique_ptr &&__u) noexcept
template<typename _Up , typename _Ep , typename = _Require< is_convertible<typename unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>::pointer, pointer>, __not_<is_array<_Up>>, typename conditional<is_reference<_Dp>::value, is_same<_Ep, _Dp>, is_convertible<_Ep, _Dp>>::type>>
 unique_ptr (unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &&__u) noexcept
 unique_ptr (const unique_ptr &)=delete
template<typename _Up , typename >
 unique_ptr (auto_ptr< _Up > &&__u) noexcept
pointer get () const noexcept
deleter_type & get_deleter () noexcept
const deleter_type & get_deleter () const noexcept
 operator bool () const noexcept
add_lvalue_reference< element_type >::type operator* () const
pointer operator-> () const noexcept
unique_ptroperator= (unique_ptr &&__u) noexcept
template<typename _Up , typename _Ep >
enable_if< __and_< is_convertible< typename unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep >::pointer, pointer >, __not_< is_array< _Up > > >::value, unique_ptr & >::type operator= (unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &&__u) noexcept
unique_ptroperator= (nullptr_t) noexcept
unique_ptroperator= (const unique_ptr &)=delete
pointer release () noexcept
void reset (pointer __p=pointer()) noexcept
void swap (unique_ptr &__u) noexcept

Detailed Description

template<typename _Tp, typename _Dp = default_delete<_Tp>>
class std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp > unique_ptr for single objects.

Definition at line 109 of file unique_ptr.h.

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