random.h File Reference

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class  std::bernoulli_distribution
struct  std::bernoulli_distribution::param_type
class  std::binomial_distribution< _IntType >
struct  std::binomial_distribution< _IntType >::param_type
class  std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::chi_squared_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::chi_squared_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r >
class  std::discrete_distribution< _IntType >
struct  std::discrete_distribution< _IntType >::param_type
class  std::exponential_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::exponential_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::fisher_f_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::fisher_f_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::gamma_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::gamma_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::geometric_distribution< _IntType >
struct  std::geometric_distribution< _IntType >::param_type
class  std::independent_bits_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __w, _UIntType >
class  std::linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m >
class  std::lognormal_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::lognormal_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f >
class  std::negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType >
struct  std::negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType >::param_type
class  std::normal_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::normal_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::poisson_distribution< _IntType >
struct  std::poisson_distribution< _IntType >::param_type
class  std::random_device
class  std::seed_seq
class  std::shuffle_order_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __k >
class  std::student_t_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::student_t_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType >
struct  std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType >::param_type
class  std::uniform_real_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::uniform_real_distribution< _RealType >::param_type
class  std::weibull_distribution< _RealType >
struct  std::weibull_distribution< _RealType >::param_type




typedef minstd_rand0 std::default_random_engine
typedef shuffle_order_engine< minstd_rand0, 256 > std::knuth_b
typedef linear_congruential_engine< uint_fast32_t, 48271UL, 0UL, 2147483647UL > std::minstd_rand
typedef linear_congruential_engine< uint_fast32_t, 16807UL, 0UL, 2147483647UL > std::minstd_rand0
typedef mersenne_twister_engine< uint_fast32_t, 32, 624, 397, 31, 0x9908b0dfUL, 11, 0xffffffffUL, 7, 0x9d2c5680UL, 15, 0xefc60000UL, 18, 1812433253UL > std::mt19937
typedef mersenne_twister_engine< uint_fast64_t, 64, 312, 156, 31, 0xb5026f5aa96619e9ULL, 29, 0x5555555555555555ULL, 17, 0x71d67fffeda60000ULL, 37, 0xfff7eee000000000ULL, 43, 6364136223846793005ULL > std::mt19937_64
typedef discard_block_engine< ranlux24_base, 223, 23 > std::ranlux24
typedef subtract_with_carry_engine< uint_fast32_t, 24, 10, 24 > std::ranlux24_base
typedef discard_block_engine< ranlux48_base, 389, 11 > std::ranlux48
typedef subtract_with_carry_engine< uint_fast64_t, 48, 5, 12 > std::ranlux48_base


template<typename _RealType , size_t __bits, typename _UniformRandomNumberGenerator >
_RealType std::generate_canonical (_UniformRandomNumberGenerator &__g)
template<typename _UIntType , _UIntType __a, _UIntType __c, _UIntType __m>
bool std::operator!= (const std::linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m > &__lhs, const std::linear_congruential_engine< _UIntType, __a, __c, __m > &__rhs)
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __w, size_t __n, size_t __m, size_t __r, _UIntType __a, size_t __u, _UIntType __d, size_t __s, _UIntType __b, size_t __t, _UIntType __c, size_t __l, _UIntType __f>
bool std::operator!= (const std::mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f > &__lhs, const std::mersenne_twister_engine< _UIntType, __w, __n, __m, __r, __a, __u, __d, __s, __b, __t, __c, __l, __f > &__rhs)
template<typename _UIntType , size_t __w, size_t __s, size_t __r>
bool std::operator!= (const std::subtract_with_carry_engine< _UIntType, __w, __s, __r > &__lhs, const std::subtract_with_carry_engine< _UIntType, __w, __s, __r > &__rhs)
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __p, size_t __r>
bool std::operator!= (const std::discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r > &__lhs, const std::discard_block_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __p, __r > &__rhs)
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __w, typename _UIntType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::independent_bits_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __w, _UIntType > &__lhs, const std::independent_bits_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __w, _UIntType > &__rhs)
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __k>
bool std::operator!= (const std::shuffle_order_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __k > &__lhs, const std::shuffle_order_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __k > &__rhs)
template<typename _IntType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType > &__d2)
template<typename _IntType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::uniform_real_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::uniform_real_distribution< _IntType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::normal_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::normal_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::lognormal_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::lognormal_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::gamma_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::gamma_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::chi_squared_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::chi_squared_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::fisher_f_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::fisher_f_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::student_t_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::student_t_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
bool std::operator!= (const std::bernoulli_distribution &__d1, const std::bernoulli_distribution &__d2)
template<typename _IntType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__d2)
template<typename _IntType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::geometric_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::geometric_distribution< _IntType > &__d2)
template<typename _IntType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::negative_binomial_distribution< _IntType > &__d2)
template<typename _IntType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::poisson_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::poisson_distribution< _IntType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::weibull_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::weibull_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _IntType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::discrete_distribution< _IntType > &__d1, const std::discrete_distribution< _IntType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::piecewise_constant_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RealType >
bool std::operator!= (const std::piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType > &__d1, const std::piecewise_linear_distribution< _RealType > &__d2)
template<typename _RandomNumberEngine , size_t __w, typename _UIntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::independent_bits_engine< _RandomNumberEngine, __w, _UIntType > &__x)
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &, const std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType > &)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &, const std::uniform_real_distribution< _RealType > &)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::bernoulli_distribution &__x)
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::geometric_distribution< _IntType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::weibull_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< _CharT, _Traits > &__os, const std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &, std::uniform_int_distribution< _IntType > &)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &, std::uniform_real_distribution< _RealType > &)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::cauchy_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::bernoulli_distribution &__x)
template<typename _IntType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::geometric_distribution< _IntType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::exponential_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::weibull_distribution< _RealType > &__x)
template<typename _RealType , typename _CharT , typename _Traits >
std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > & std::operator>> (std::basic_istream< _CharT, _Traits > &__is, std::extreme_value_distribution< _RealType > &__x)

Detailed Description

This is an internal header file, included by other library headers. Do not attempt to use it directly. Instead, include <random>.

Definition in file random.h.