Collaboration diagram for Metaprogramming:


struct  std::__is_nullptr_t< _Tp >
struct  std::integral_constant< _Tp, __v >
struct  std::is_abstract< _Tp >
struct  std::is_arithmetic< _Tp >
struct  std::is_array< typename >
struct  std::is_class< _Tp >
struct  std::is_compound< _Tp >
struct  std::is_const< typename >
struct  std::is_empty< _Tp >
struct  std::is_enum< _Tp >
struct  std::is_final< _Tp >
struct  std::is_floating_point< _Tp >
struct  std::is_function< typename >
struct  std::is_fundamental< _Tp >
struct  std::is_integral< _Tp >
struct  std::is_literal_type< _Tp >
struct  std::is_lvalue_reference< typename >
struct  std::is_member_function_pointer< _Tp >
struct  std::is_member_object_pointer< _Tp >
struct  std::is_member_pointer< _Tp >
struct  std::is_null_pointer< _Tp >
struct  std::is_object< _Tp >
struct  std::is_pod< _Tp >
struct  std::is_pointer< _Tp >
struct  std::is_polymorphic< _Tp >
struct  std::is_reference< _Tp >
struct  std::is_rvalue_reference< typename >
struct  std::is_scalar< _Tp >
struct  std::is_standard_layout< _Tp >
struct  std::is_trivial< _Tp >
struct  std::is_union< _Tp >
struct  std::is_void< _Tp >
struct  std::is_volatile< typename >
struct  std::tr2::__reflection_typelist< _Elements >
struct  std::tr2::__reflection_typelist< _First, _Rest... >
struct  std::tr2::__reflection_typelist<>
struct  std::tr2::bases< _Tp >
struct  std::tr2::direct_bases< _Tp >


#define __cpp_lib_integral_constant_callable
#define __cpp_lib_is_final
#define __cpp_lib_is_null_pointer


template<bool __v>
using std::__bool_constant = integral_constant< bool, __v >
typedef integral_constant< bool, false > std::false_type
typedef integral_constant< bool, true > std::true_type
typedef integral_constant< _Tp, __v > std::integral_constant< _Tp, __v >::type
typedef _Tp std::__success_type< _Tp >::type
typedef _Tp std::integral_constant< _Tp, __v >::value_type


 std::__nonesuch::__nonesuch (__nonesuch const &)=delete
constexpr std::integral_constant< _Tp, __v >::operator value_type () const
constexpr value_type std::integral_constant< _Tp, __v >::operator() () const
void std::__nonesuch::operator= (__nonesuch const &)=delete


static constexpr _Tp std::integral_constant< _Tp, __v >::value

Detailed Description

Template utilities for compile-time introspection and modification, including type classification traits, type property inspection traits and type transformation traits.

Typedef Documentation

typedef integral_constant<bool, false> std::false_type

The type used as a compile-time boolean with false value.

Definition at line 90 of file type_traits.

typedef integral_constant<bool, true> std::true_type

The type used as a compile-time boolean with true value.

Definition at line 87 of file type_traits.