chrono File Reference

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struct  std::chrono::_V2::steady_clock
struct  std::chrono::_V2::system_clock
struct  std::chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period >
struct  std::chrono::duration< _Rep, _Period >
struct  std::chrono::duration_values< _Rep >
struct  std::chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Dur >
struct  std::chrono::time_point< _Clock, _Dur >
struct  std::chrono::treat_as_floating_point< _Rep >




#define __cpp_lib_chrono_udls


template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _CRep = typename common_type<_Rep1, _Rep2>::type>
using std::chrono::__common_rep_t = typename enable_if< is_convertible< const _Rep2 &, _CRep >::value, _CRep >::type
template<typename _Tp >
using std::chrono::__disable_if_is_duration = typename enable_if<!__is_duration< _Tp >::value, _Tp >::type
template<typename _Tp >
using std::chrono::__enable_if_is_duration = typename enable_if< __is_duration< _Tp >::value, _Tp >::type
using std::chrono::_V2::high_resolution_clock = system_clock
typedef duration< int64_t, ratio< 3600 > > std::chrono::hours
typedef duration< int64_t, micro > std::chrono::microseconds
typedef duration< int64_t, milli > std::chrono::milliseconds
typedef duration< int64_t, ratio< 60 > > std::chrono::minutes
typedef duration< int64_t, nano > std::chrono::nanoseconds
typedef duration< int64_t > std::chrono::seconds


template<typename _Dur , char... _Digits>
constexpr _Dur std::literals::chrono_literals::__check_overflow ()
template<typename _ToDur , typename _Rep , typename _Period >
constexpr __enable_if_is_duration< _ToDur > std::chrono::duration_cast (const duration< _Rep, _Period > &__d)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator!= (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Dur2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator!= (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const time_point< _Clock, _Dur2 > &__rhs)
constexpr chrono::duration< long double, ratio< 3600, 1 > > std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""h (long double __hours)
template<char... _Digits>
constexpr chrono::hours std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""h ()
constexpr chrono::duration< long double, ratio< 60, 1 > > std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""min (long double __mins)
template<char... _Digits>
constexpr chrono::minutes std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""min ()
constexpr chrono::duration< long double, milli > std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""ms (long double __msecs)
template<char... _Digits>
constexpr chrono::milliseconds std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""ms ()
constexpr chrono::duration< long double, nano > std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""ns (long double __nsecs)
template<char... _Digits>
constexpr chrono::nanoseconds std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""ns ()
constexpr chrono::duration< long double > std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s (long double __secs)
template<char... _Digits>
constexpr chrono::seconds std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""s ()
constexpr chrono::duration< long double, micro > std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""us (long double __usecs)
template<char... _Digits>
constexpr chrono::microseconds std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""us ()
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period , typename _Rep2 >
constexpr duration< __common_rep_t< _Rep1, __disable_if_is_duration< _Rep2 > >, _Period > std::chrono::operator% (const duration< _Rep1, _Period > &__d, const _Rep2 &__s)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr common_type< duration< _Rep1, _Period1 >, duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > >::type std::chrono::operator% (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period , typename _Rep2 >
constexpr duration< __common_rep_t< _Rep1, _Rep2 >, _Period > std::chrono::operator* (const duration< _Rep1, _Period > &__d, const _Rep2 &__s)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period >
constexpr duration< __common_rep_t< _Rep2, _Rep1 >, _Period > std::chrono::operator* (const _Rep1 &__s, const duration< _Rep2, _Period > &__d)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr common_type< duration< _Rep1, _Period1 >, duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > >::type std::chrono::operator+ (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr time_point< _Clock, typename common_type< _Dur1, duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > >::type > std::chrono::operator+ (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Clock , typename _Dur2 >
constexpr time_point< _Clock, typename common_type< duration< _Rep1, _Period1 >, _Dur2 >::type > std::chrono::operator+ (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const time_point< _Clock, _Dur2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr common_type< duration< _Rep1, _Period1 >, duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > >::type std::chrono::operator- (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr time_point< _Clock, typename common_type< _Dur1, duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > >::type > std::chrono::operator- (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Dur2 >
constexpr common_type< _Dur1, _Dur2 >::type std::chrono::operator- (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const time_point< _Clock, _Dur2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period , typename _Rep2 >
constexpr duration< __common_rep_t< _Rep1, __disable_if_is_duration< _Rep2 > >, _Period > std::chrono::operator/ (const duration< _Rep1, _Period > &__d, const _Rep2 &__s)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr common_type< _Rep1, _Rep2 >::type std::chrono::operator/ (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator< (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Dur2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator< (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const time_point< _Clock, _Dur2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator<= (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Dur2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator<= (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const time_point< _Clock, _Dur2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator== (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Dur2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator== (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const time_point< _Clock, _Dur2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator> (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Dur2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator> (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const time_point< _Clock, _Dur2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Rep1 , typename _Period1 , typename _Rep2 , typename _Period2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator>= (const duration< _Rep1, _Period1 > &__lhs, const duration< _Rep2, _Period2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _Clock , typename _Dur1 , typename _Dur2 >
constexpr bool std::chrono::operator>= (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur1 > &__lhs, const time_point< _Clock, _Dur2 > &__rhs)
template<typename _ToDur , typename _Clock , typename _Dur >
constexpr enable_if< __is_duration< _ToDur >::value, time_point< _Clock, _ToDur > >::type std::chrono::time_point_cast (const time_point< _Clock, _Dur > &__t)

Detailed Description

This is a Standard C++ Library header.

Definition in file chrono.

Typedef Documentation

◆ high_resolution_clock

using std::chrono::_V2::high_resolution_clock = typedef system_clock

Highest-resolution clock.

This is the clock "with the shortest tick period." Alias to std::system_clock until higher-than-nanosecond definitions become feasible.

Definition at line 888 of file chrono.