Public Types | |
template<typename _Up > | |
using | __safe_conversion_raw = __and_< __or_< __or_< is_same< _Up, pointer >, is_same< _Up, nullptr_t > >, __and_< is_pointer< _Up >, is_same< pointer, element_type * >, is_convertible< typename remove_pointer< _Up >::type(*)[], element_type(*)[]> > > > |
template<typename _Up , typename _Ep , typename _UPtr = unique_ptr<_Up, _Ep>, typename _UP_pointer = typename _UPtr::pointer, typename _UP_element_type = typename _UPtr::element_type> | |
using | __safe_conversion_up = __and_< is_array< _Up >, is_same< pointer, element_type * >, is_same< _UP_pointer, _UP_element_type * >, is_convertible< _UP_element_type(*)[], element_type(*)[]> > |
using | deleter_type = _Dp |
using | element_type = _Tp |
using | pointer = typename __uniq_ptr_impl< _Tp, _Dp >::pointer |
Public Member Functions | |
template<typename _Del = _Dp, typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Del>> | |
constexpr | unique_ptr () noexcept |
template<typename _Up , typename _Vp = _Dp, typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Vp>, typename = typename enable_if< __safe_conversion_raw<_Up>::value, bool>::type> | |
unique_ptr (_Up __p) noexcept | |
template<typename _Up , typename _Del = deleter_type, typename = _Require<__safe_conversion_raw<_Up>, is_copy_constructible<_Del>>> | |
unique_ptr (_Up __p, const deleter_type &__d) noexcept | |
template<typename _Up , typename _Del = deleter_type, typename = _Require<__safe_conversion_raw<_Up>, is_move_constructible<_Del>>> | |
unique_ptr (_Up __p, __enable_if_t<!is_lvalue_reference< _Del >::value, _Del &&> __d) noexcept | |
template<typename _Up , typename _Del = deleter_type, typename _DelUnref = typename remove_reference<_Del>::type, typename = _Require<__safe_conversion_raw<_Up>>> | |
unique_ptr (_Up, __enable_if_t< is_lvalue_reference< _Del >::value, _DelUnref &&>)=delete | |
unique_ptr (unique_ptr &&__u) noexcept | |
template<typename _Del = _Dp, typename = _DeleterConstraint<_Del>> | |
constexpr | unique_ptr (nullptr_t) noexcept |
template<typename _Up , typename _Ep , typename = _Require< __safe_conversion_up<_Up, _Ep>, typename conditional<is_reference<_Dp>::value, is_same<_Ep, _Dp>, is_convertible<_Ep, _Dp>>::type>> | |
unique_ptr (unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &&__u) noexcept | |
unique_ptr (const unique_ptr &)=delete | |
~unique_ptr () | |
pointer | get () const noexcept |
deleter_type & | get_deleter () noexcept |
const deleter_type & | get_deleter () const noexcept |
operator bool () const noexcept | |
unique_ptr & | operator= (unique_ptr &&__u) noexcept |
template<typename _Up , typename _Ep > | |
enable_if< __and_< __safe_conversion_up< _Up, _Ep >, is_assignable< deleter_type &, _Ep && > >::value, unique_ptr & >::type | operator= (unique_ptr< _Up, _Ep > &&__u) noexcept |
unique_ptr & | operator= (nullptr_t) noexcept |
unique_ptr & | operator= (const unique_ptr &)=delete |
std::add_lvalue_reference< element_type >::type | operator[] (size_t __i) const |
pointer | release () noexcept |
template<typename _Up , typename = _Require< __or_<is_same<_Up, pointer>, __and_<is_same<pointer, element_type*>, is_pointer<_Up>, is_convertible< typename remove_pointer<_Up>::type(*)[], element_type(*)[] > > > >> | |
void | reset (_Up __p) noexcept |
void | reset (nullptr_t=nullptr) noexcept |
void | swap (unique_ptr &__u) noexcept | unique_ptr for array objects with a runtime length
Definition at line 423 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Default constructor, creates a unique_ptr that owns nothing.
Definition at line 476 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlineexplicitnoexcept |
Takes ownership of a pointer.
__p | A pointer to an array of a type safely convertible to an array of element_type |
The deleter will be value-initialized.
Definition at line 493 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Takes ownership of a pointer.
__p | A pointer to an array of a type safely convertible to an array of element_type |
__d | A reference to a deleter. |
The deleter will be initialized with __d
Definition at line 508 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Takes ownership of a pointer.
__p | A pointer to an array of a type safely convertible to an array of element_type |
__d | A reference to a deleter. |
The deleter will be initialized with std::move(__d)
Definition at line 522 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Move constructor.
Definition at line 536 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Creates a unique_ptr that owns nothing.
Definition at line 541 of file unique_ptr.h.
inline |
Destructor, invokes the deleter if the stored pointer is not null.
Definition at line 555 of file unique_ptr.h.
References std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp >::get_deleter().
inlinenoexcept |
Return the stored pointer.
Definition at line 619 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Return a reference to the stored deleter.
Definition at line 624 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Return a reference to the stored deleter.
Definition at line 629 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlineexplicitnoexcept |
Return true
if the stored pointer is not null.
Definition at line 633 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Move assignment operator.
__u | The object to transfer ownership from. |
Invokes the deleter first if this object owns a pointer.
Definition at line 572 of file unique_ptr.h.
References std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp >::get_deleter(), and std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp >::reset().
inlinenoexcept |
Assignment from another type.
__u | The object to transfer ownership from, which owns a convertible pointer to an array object. |
Invokes the deleter first if this object owns a pointer.
Definition at line 592 of file unique_ptr.h.
References std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp >::get_deleter(), and std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp >::reset().
inlinenoexcept |
Reset the unique_ptr to empty, invoking the deleter if necessary.
Definition at line 601 of file unique_ptr.h.
References std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp >::reset().
inline |
Access an element of owned array.
Definition at line 611 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Release ownership of any stored pointer.
Definition at line 640 of file unique_ptr.h.
inlinenoexcept |
Replace the stored pointer.
__p | The new pointer to store. |
The deleter will be invoked if a pointer is already owned.
Definition at line 666 of file unique_ptr.h.
References std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp >::get_deleter(), and std::unique_ptr< _Tp, _Dp >::swap().
inlinenoexcept |
Exchange the pointer and deleter with another object.
Definition at line 682 of file unique_ptr.h.