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Index: P

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Index Entry Section

`p' in constraint20.7.1 Simple Constraints
packed attribute5.33 Specifying Attributes of Variables
PAD_VARARGS_DOWN21.8.6 Passing Arguments in Registers
parallel19.14 Side Effect Expressions
parameter forward declaration5.14 Arrays of Variable Length
parameters, aliased3.18 Options for Code Generation Conventions
parameters, miscellaneous21.21 Miscellaneous Parameters
PARM_BOUNDARY21.4 Storage Layout
PARM_DECL18.5 Declarations
PARSE_LDD_OUTPUT21.17.6 Macros Controlling Initialization Routines
parsing pass17. Passes and Files of the Compiler
passes and files of the compiler17. Passes and Files of the Compiler
passing arguments16. Interfacing to GCC Output
PATH_SEPARATOR22. The Configuration File
PATTERN19.17 Insns
pattern conditions20.2 Everything about Instruction Patterns
pattern names20.8 Standard Pattern Names For Generation
Pattern Ordering20.9 When the Order of Patterns Matters
patterns20.2 Everything about Instruction Patterns
pc19.7 Registers and Memory
pc and attributes20.17.5 Computing the Length of an Insn
pc, RTL sharing19.19 Structure Sharing Assumptions
pc_rtx19.7 Registers and Memory
PCC_STATIC_STRUCT_RETURN21.8.8 How Large Values Are Returned
PDImode19.5 Machine Modes
peephole optimization17. Passes and Files of the Compiler
peephole optimization, RTL representation19.14 Side Effect Expressions
peephole optimizer definitions20.16 Machine-Specific Peephole Optimizers
per-function data21.3 Defining data structures for per-function information.
percent sign20.5 Output Templates and Operand Substitution
perform_...21.11 Implicit Calls to Library Routines
PIC3.18 Options for Code Generation Conventions
PIC21.16 Position Independent Code
PIC_OFFSET_TABLE_REG_CALL_CLOBBERED21.16 Position Independent Code
PIC_OFFSET_TABLE_REGNUM21.16 Position Independent Code
plus19.8 RTL Expressions for Arithmetic
plus and attributes20.17.2 Attribute Expressions
plus, canonicalization of20.13 Canonicalization of Instructions
PLUS_EXPR18.8 Expressions
pmf6.7 Extracting the function pointer from a bound pointer to member function
Pmode21.21 Miscellaneous Parameters
pointer18.3 Types
pointer arguments5.26 Declaring Attributes of Functions
pointer to member function6.7 Extracting the function pointer from a bound pointer to member function
POINTER_SIZE21.4 Storage Layout
portability15. GCC and Portability
portions of temporary objects, pointers to9.9.2 Temporaries May Vanish Before You Expect
position independent code21.16 Position Independent Code
POSIX22. The Configuration File
post_dec19.15 Embedded Side-Effects on Addresses
post_inc19.15 Embedded Side-Effects on Addresses
post_modify19.15 Embedded Side-Effects on Addresses
post_modify19.15 Embedded Side-Effects on Addresses
pragma21.21 Miscellaneous Parameters
pragma21.21 Miscellaneous Parameters
pragma21.21 Miscellaneous Parameters
pragma, reason for not using5.26 Declaring Attributes of Functions
pragmas in C++, effect on inlining6.5 Declarations and Definitions in One Header
pragmas, interface and implementation6.5 Declarations and Definitions in One Header
pragmas, warning of unknown3.8 Options to Request or Suppress Warnings
pre_dec19.15 Embedded Side-Effects on Addresses
pre_inc19.15 Embedded Side-Effects on Addresses
predefined macros21.2 Run-time Target Specification
PREDICATE_CODES21.21 Miscellaneous Parameters
predication20.18 Conditional Execution
PREFERRED_DEBUGGING_TYPE21.18.1 Macros Affecting All Debugging Formats
preprocessing numbers9.5 Incompatibilities of GCC
preprocessing tokens9.5 Incompatibilities of GCC
preprocessor options3.11 Options Controlling the Preprocessor
PRETEND_OUTGOING_VARARGS_NAMED21.9 Implementing the Varargs Macros
prev_active_insn20.16.1 RTL to Text Peephole Optimizers
prev_cc0_setter20.11 Defining Jump Instruction Patterns
PREV_INSN19.17 Insns
PRINT_OPERAND21.17.7 Output of Assembler Instructions
PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS21.17.7 Output of Assembler Instructions
PRINT_OPERAND_PUNCT_VALID_P21.17.7 Output of Assembler Instructions
printf5.43 Other built-in functions provided by GCC
probe instruction pattern20.8 Standard Pattern Names For Generation
processor selection (29k)3.17.6 AMD29K Options
product19.8 RTL Expressions for Arithmetic
prof3.9 Options for Debugging Your Program or GCC
PROFILE_BEFORE_PROLOGUE21.8.11 Generating Code for Profiling
profile_block_flag21.8.11 Generating Code for Profiling
profile_block_flag21.8.11 Generating Code for Profiling
profile_block_flag21.8.11 Generating Code for Profiling
PROFILE_HOOK21.8.11 Generating Code for Profiling
profiling, code generation21.8.11 Generating Code for Profiling
program counter19.7 Registers and Memory
prologue21.8.10 Function Entry and Exit
prologue instruction pattern20.8 Standard Pattern Names For Generation
PROMOTE_FOR_CALL_ONLY21.4 Storage Layout
PROMOTE_MODE21.4 Storage Layout
PROMOTE_PROTOTYPES21.8.5 Passing Function Arguments on the Stack
promotion of formal parameters5.28 Prototypes and Old-Style Function Definitions
pseudo registers19.7 Registers and Memory
PSImode19.5 Machine Modes
PTRDIFF_TYPE21.5 Layout of Source Language Data Types
PTRMEM_CST18.8 Expressions
PTRMEM_CST_CLASS18.8 Expressions
PTRMEM_CST_MEMBER18.8 Expressions
pure function attribute5.26 Declaring Attributes of Functions
push address instruction20.7.1 Simple Constraints
PUSH_ARGS21.8.5 Passing Function Arguments on the Stack
push_reload21.12 Addressing Modes
PUSH_ROUNDING21.8.5 Passing Function Arguments on the Stack
PUSH_ROUNDING, interaction with PREFERRED_STACK_BOUNDARY21.4 Storage Layout
PUT_CODE19.1 RTL Object Types
PUT_MODE19.5 Machine Modes
PUT_SDB_...21.18.5 Macros for SDB and DWARF Output

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